OAFEnet Update for Thursday, August 23

Blow out your candles and make a wish - it's the OAFEnet Email Update!

Yes, the new logo at the top of every page has not been lying to you: OAFEnet has just turned five years old this week. Holy crap, can you believe that? It seems like just yesterday we were pissing people off by constantly picking on McFarlane Toys. What's that? We were? Oh. Well, we were doing that in 2002, as well. Yeah, this pony's only got the one trick.

  • Our first review this week is a barely-articulated figure of a character from a beloved, critically acclaimed, long-running show. This blond, spiky-haired little boy has some real behavior problems, too. But this one didn't have a huge movie this summer.
  • Poe wrote a great new blog post about Marvel Toys' new Legendary Heroes toys. What sets this line apart? Find out!
  • Monday was our actual birthday, and hey, we even got a present! Wizard sent us this figure to review, which was nice of them. Read it and see if yo will be extra nice to something just because he got it for free.
  • This week's Transformers Tuesday review is one of those really fun things, where we get to see what people in the past thought the future would be like, after we've already passed it. Their future past? Imperfect. And also kind of tense. Ha! Yes, OAFE - your #1 source for jokes that only English teachers would find even slightly amusing.
  • We're trying to update our links page, but we need your help: what sites should be on there, but aren't?
  • Wednesday's review is a character who's probably most famous for getting hooked on drugs. You know, a real role model for the kiddies. Oh, and he's a single father, because his baby mama is an wanted criminal. Plus, his dad died in a fire, and his adopted father pretty much abandoned him (which is what led to the drugs). Read about this walking Jerry Springer Show.

Thanks for keeping us going for five freaking years, people - now let's see if we can pull off six. We'll be back next week with more reviews (maybe a theme week?) and at least one new OAFE shirt. Look forward to it!

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