OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, May 21

The OAFEnet Email Update will wait no longer!

The theme for this week is "doing Poe's work." Seriously, if we'd written a review of Masterpiece Grimlock, a good 50% of the week would have been things Poe's supposed to have reviewed, but hasn't yet.

  • However, our Joe Friday review doesn't really fall under that heading. It's here to kick the Terminator's ass.
  • We promised that the Star Trek reviews were finished with Spock last week, but that was a filthy lie! See, here's one more.
  • And our Star Wars review isn't "Poeriffic," either. It is a nice bit of wish fulfillment, though.
  • Shocka covered Poe's territory by giving us a most unexpected MotU Monday review of one of the new giant baby-headed figures.
  • And lest you feel cheated out of our regular Marvel Monday review, our Transformers Tuesday made up for it.
  • This utter eyesore of a costume doesn't have any relation to OAFEnet's resident drunkard,
  • But we did finally dip a toe into the DC Universe Classics pool by reviewing a figure positively swimming in blue. That's definitely Poe's bailiwick!
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