It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in November.
Yet again there's a new series of Blackest Night figures from DC Direct. This time you get Kyle Rayner and three villains, including Black Hand with Batman's skull. Hardcore!
The Ame-Comi statues on page 133 are a new Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl. Cassie looks like she's been taking notes from skinny little Nancy Callahan.
Fun Publications Inc. is offering the GI Joe vs Cobra: Crimson Strike one-shot, previously only available at JoeCon. Page 260 to order. On the same page, you can get Transformers Timelines: Wings of Honor, the BotCon counterpart.
If you haven't read any of IDW's TF comics but want to get caught up, try page 264's Transformers Continuum, a special ad-free book that will give you the recap you need.
There's a box set of the first four Bionicle tpbs on page 280.
Want some tribbles? Then see page 341 for the Tribbles Kirk & Electronic Command Chair set.
There's a new Marvel Select Thing figure, done in the style of Mike Wieringo. Nice to see a Ben Grimm who's not way too small for a change. Compare him to the MS Hulk on page 342.
Voltron fans will like what they find on 346: a plastic version of the Masterpiece figure, and a vinyl figure in the cartoon style.
A few new Rise of Cobra vehicles are listed on 346, as well, including a Desert Rockslide, Lava Pod, Arctic SHARC and Tiger Claw ATV.
Do you like the Smurfs? Someone must, because there are beanies and designer vinyl figures on page 348.
For eff's sake, Mattel! DC Universe Series 11 is listed on page 350, and yet we're still waiting for 8 to show up? Improve your damn distribution, already!
The Marvel Universe toys have finally done what Marvel Legends never could: given us a Jim Lee Jean Grey figure! At last! Check her out on page 352.
There are new Star Trek movie toys listed on page 357, if you happened to buy Series 1 on clearance and liked them.
Similarly, there are new Star Wars single-packs listed on 360, but it's mostly just a list of meaningless names. Of course, if you know off the top of your head who Jeremoch Colton is, you probably want his toy.
NECA's Gears of War line is up to Series 5, so it must be doing something right. Who's new? Page 362 can tell you.