Soon Forget: Hulk Legends Bi-Beast

This is the latest in a series (of indefinite length and regularity) of blog posts memorializing cancelled toys. Our figure today is Hasbro's Marvel Legends Bi-Beast.

Today we reviewed the Marvel Legends Valkyrie & Hulk two-pack, which featured two characters originally intended for the Mulk Legends Fin Fang Foom series. When the BAF went from 12 figures to eight, they were two of the figures cut from the lineup. Another was classic Hulk foe, the Bi-Beast:

The prototype for Bi-Beast was included in the same concept case as Hulk and Valkyrie, but he still didn't make the cut. So for now we're left with only the small videogame figure.

Bonus! The fourth figure who got dropped was someone called the Red King.

Not hard to see why he was given the axe.

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