Hasbro has four different kinds of "suit" bodies now: the original pigeon-toed one, the one with ankles, the big one and the other one with ankles. Each of them are really just the same kind of legs with different shirts.
Here are the figures who use the big one:
- Happy Hogan (tie/suitcoat)
- Hammerhead (wide lapels/vest)
- Egghead (tie/labcoat)
- Kingpin (no tie/closed jacket)
Now we can link to this page every time we mention it..
teen boy | teen girl | jeans boy | jeans girl
small male | medium male | beefy male | big male | suit male
superarticulated skinny | superarticulated thick | superarticulated large
skinny female | petite female | slender female | medium female | big female | giant female
Wolverines | Iron Men | Hulks