Fortnite Kondor addendum

In his log about Reality 42, Jonesy said Kondor likes to stand in the rain and monologue about cherry blossoms. Well, it turns out he also likes to speak in haiku, as evidenced when you hear from the NPC version of him. For instance, in the season-long Rare Quests, he was associated with completing player eliminations and melee damage, and when you reached each milestone, he popped up in the corner with a little poem:

Eliminate 5 Players

Select your target.
Follow them and know them well.
And then take the shot.

Eliminate 25 Players

No room for mercy.
No time for hugs and cuddles.
Yes, I am lonely.

Eliminate 100 Players

Bullets, blades, or bombs.
You must learn to use them all.
I can, NBD.

Eliminate 250 Players

One hundred at start.
At the end just one.
Make sure it is you.

Eliminate 500 Players

Like a deadly wind.
Leaving only destruction.
Also, blowing leaves.

5 Melee Eliminations

Be close and deadly.
And then land the final blow.
Victorious path.

25 Melee Eliminations

I prefer a sword.
But a pickaxe is not bad.
A winner makes do.

50 Melee Eliminations

Of the most personal kind.
My favorite type.

75 Melee Eliminations

Your land is so strange.
But the weapons work so well.
I can work with this.

100 Melee Eliminations

I drop from the sky.
I spy my foe on the ground.
Unseen, I strike first.

He also delivers one if you choose him to receive a box of chocolates during the Week 11 Valentine's Day questline:

Help Lovely celebrate Hearts Wilds

A gesture of love.
I have never received one.
I am totes blushing.

Week 12's Epic Quests were about his fellow bounty hunter Mave being concerned about his dark nature and trying to cheer him up. Upping the ante, we now got a haiku both when he assigns a quest and when it's completed:

Deal damage within 15 seconds of gliding

Isolate the pack.
In this trap, our foes will pay.
Show them no mercy.

*200 damage*

Your enemies fall.
As fast as leaves in autumn.
Don't break the cycle.

(Mave has the player tell Kondor about scenes of beauty on the island.)

Destroy inflatable tubemen llamas at gas stations

The llamas mock me.
With wiggly arms, vacant eyes.
I must destroy them.

*pop 3 llamas*

They wiggle no more.
But still my soul is restless.
What will bring me peace?

(Mave sends you to retrieve a family portrait from a shipwreck.)

Throw a fish back in to the water

I know these portraits.
Old faces that balm my hurt.
How to repay Mave...?

*throw that fish*

Mave's goal may not work.
My fire may never die.
But the effort is kind.

Additionally, available throughout the entire season were the Beskar Quests, which allowed you to take Mando from his plain look to one that was more shiny. Completing Kondor's gained you the right bracer.

Defeat Ruckus

I saw your Beskar.
Taken by a brash madman.
Find him; reclaim it.

*win the fight*

A clean victory.
The steel claimed righteously.
Use it in good health.

He's awfully chatty for a ghost! And some of those Rare Quests were probably only ever achieved by a small handful of players, meaning a lot of work went unseen.

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