Mounties vs. Werewolves

Remember how Hasbro does nothing to support Larry Hama the way it should? You now have the chance to be better than they are.

Hama doesn't get a cent from the vast majority of GI Joe reprints, but this Kickstarter will be something that he owns a piece of from the very start. He describes Mounties vs. Werewolves as "Deadwood meets The Howling with a dash of Saskatchewan, and a soupçon of X-Files," which is nothing if not intriguing.

Even if you don't plan to back the comic (though, come on, you should), then at least share the link around as much as possible, to get the word out and draw the attention of the fans who actually care enough about Larry and his work to want to give him the support that giant companies won't. It's the right thing to do.

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