It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in October.
Our first find is the DC Universe Online figures from DC Direct. Batman, Catwoman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg are shown on Page 141 and are due March 21.
According to page 146, you can ask your retailer about a 30 Days of Night Vampire plush. There's no other info, though.
IDW's GI Joe comics are listed on page 150 and 151, with the Transformers on 152.
McFarlane has plenty of Halo toys on page 213: Reach Series 5, several two-packs and even some Mongooses. Mongeese?
Minimates Series 42 is listed on page 383, and is all about Thor (with a little Captain America, too). There's also an Age of X box set on the same page.
If you didn't buy the Playstation Minimates at TRU, you can order a Ratchet & Clank/Resistance box set from page 385.
Page 386 has a Real Ghostbusters "Anti-Ghostbusters" set, and Series 3 of the Minimates Vehicles.
There's a listing for GI Joe toys on page 388, but no pictures.
And over on Page 389 you can see both DCUC 19 and Batman Legacy 2 figures.
Optimistically, Green Lantern Movie Masters Series 5 is available on page 390. Apparently the torso of the Parallax BAF is a figure all by itself.
Lots of cool Lego stuff is listed on page 394/5.
A new wave of Marvel Universe toys are listed on page 396, including the long-awaited Darkhawk!
There are some Star Wars toys on page 399, and some Transformers, and, logically, some Star Wars Transformers. The TF toys continue onto the next page.