The annual Minimates panel rolls back around with some fun pictures and a surprisingly engaged Q&A (though not much "news" came from it) but not a whole lot of product reveals, alas. Still, it's always fun to spend some time with the folks behind one of my favorite toylines.
Saturday, July 11, 1:30pm, Room 8. The panel consisted of:
Zach Oat, DST Marketing Supervisor
Chuck Terceira, DST President
Brian Felgar, Prototype Painter
Yay - Powerpoint!!! After years of fumbling through iPhoto this DST had a prepared powerpoint presentation that allowed things to run much more smoothly. Sure it wasn't as polished or as structured as many of the presentations from the bigger companies but it is a very pleasant step in the right direction. Of course, this didn't affect the Con's favorite Gumpy-Gus, Chuck Terceira, who spent the whole presentation on his phone.
(In an effort to get all this info to you as timely as possibly I present my notes to you here is rough form, please bear with the brevity)
Animated Marvel
Will have series 1 and 1.5 at Walgreens by end of year. Based strictly on animated shows, didn't have license for Agents of Smash initially. Packaging for each 2-pack will be show specific.
More sets coming in late 2015 & early 2016 beyond the new 2015 one shown.
Coming to TRU as a mix of s1 and s2, 2 deluxe sets coming one with queen one with power loader
No plans for older animation, only new/current. Marvel hasn't been that interested in licensing the older stuff in the past.
They have an office in Hong Kong with a couple employees that do regular spot checks on all product for QC issues.
Chuck really likes DST being the size of company it currently is. It allows them to be more nimble and flexible allowing for licenses like iZombie. Also has no interest in changing how he does business to cater to retailers' requests for 18-month projections of future releases.