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Tag Archives: Avatar
Hot Wheels Character Cars Aang and Appa reviews
It's been a long time since we've reviewed any Character Cars, huh? I almost wondered if they'd stopped making them. But geeze, what a great way to come back! Nickelodeon had its first Character Cars all the way back in … Continue reading
Avatar: the Last Airbender Appa addendum
Today's review of McFarlane Toys' Appa figure discussed the intended size of a sky bison. Here's a shot of Appa and Aang, showing how big they should each be:
AtLA: Toph addendum
As mentioned in today's review, the character who eventually became Toph Beifong was initially conceived as a boy. Here's that early concept art, when the character was still known as "Sud": The name was used for Roku's earthbending master, the … Continue reading
McFarlane Toys doing Avatar
"Just the fact that they made her is a triumph for fans and collectors, because it's not like anyone else was going to." Oh, you're sure of that, are you? Looks like yo really picked the perfect time to start … Continue reading
Appa, yip-yip!
If you want to know how to get your sky-bison to fly like this, it's really very easy: Simply hang it from the ceiling, then crop the photos so you never see the top of the balloons. Still utterly cute, … Continue reading
Avatar the Last Airbender - Aang review