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Tag Archives: Black Panther
ML11: Black Panther review
King T'Challa, the Black Panther, protects his home of Wakanda armed with superhuman abilities and the precious metal, Vibranium. Hasbro's already made Black Panther's first costume and a modern one, but this is his '90s look - which hasn't had … Continue reading
Posted in blog exclusive review, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Black Panther, Marvel Legends
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Marvel Legends: dat (tall) body
With Vulcan, Hasbro introduced a third "pectoral hinges" torso, this one flatter and taller than the other two: Here's a list of everyone who uses it: Vulcan Morph Black Panther Hudlin/Romita Marvel Knights Star-Lord Banshee Forge Gambit Corsair Nighthawk Magneto … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, bodies, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Avengers, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel Legends, Squadron Supreme, X-Men
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"What If...?" Killmonger exclusive review
What if... Killmonger rescued Tony Stark? In an alternate universe, Tony Stark is saved from the attack that would make him Iron Man... by none other than Erik Stevens, aka Killmonger. This figure, an Amazon exclusive I didn't know existed … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, blog exclusive review, customs, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Black Panther, Marvel Legends
"Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" Movie Series: Okoye review
And now, some more OAFEry:X-Men Legends: House of X Magneto review A free angry white boy for you Soon Forget: Bring On the Bad Guys The Infinity Saga: "Infinity War" Captain America review Marvel Legends: Stan Lee exclusive review
Posted in blog exclusive review, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Black Panther, Marvel Legends
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"Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" Movie Series: Everett Ross review
And now, some more OAFEry:Spider-Man Legends: Anti-Venom review yo: Wal*Mart Legends - some good, some bad ML3: Deadpool review Marvel Legends Brotherhood of Evil Mutants II Arnim Zola, made AWESOME!
Posted in blog exclusive review, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Black Panther, Marvel Legends, Namor
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Black Panther: The Animated Series
That wasn't just a joke in today's review, Black Panther had a short animated series in 2010: And now, some more OAFEry:Rustin's Spoils of the Week #94 Superhero Squad surprise Flippin' Through Previews - January '06 Target assembles the Avengers … Continue reading
Quasar's Avengers
As mentioned in today's review, Quasar was a fully fledged member of the Avengers. He officially joined the team in 1989's Avengers #305, when Captain America basically called every active and reserve member of the Avengers together at once and … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, lists, Marvel
Tagged Avengers, Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Namor, Thor
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Marvel Legends addendum: dat (suit) body!
Hasbro has four different kinds of "suit" bodies now: the original pigeon-toed one, the one with ankles, the big one and the other one with ankles. Each of them are really just the same kind of legs with different shirts. … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, bodies, Hasbro, Marvel
Tagged Avengers, Black Panther, Daredevil, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Marvel Legends, Spider-Man, Thor, X-Men
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Cartoon-based Marvel Legends
In honor of today's Venomized Captain America review, here are the other Marvel Legends that take their inspiration from the cartoons more than the comics. Ultimate Spider-Man: White Tiger Iron Vulture Spider-Man Nova Taskmaster Spider-Ham Miles Morales Spider-Gwen Avengers Assemble: … Continue reading
Posted in Hasbro, lists, Marvel
Tagged Avengers, Black Panther, Captain America, Dr. Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Howard the Duck, Iron Man, Spider-Man
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"Black Panther" Basic Series: Shuri review
And now, some more OAFEry:"Black Panther" Comic Series: Black Bolt review Minimate Mini-Review #71 - Black Panther & 90s Storm Black Panther vs. Namor ATFC '16 - Day 1: Hasbro - Marvel Rustin's Spoils of the Week #180