Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that OAFEnet Email Update.
- Sometimes, when you're making toys, a cool visual trumps an iconic look. That's the idea behind our first review of the week, which proves that change is not always a bad thing.
- In honor of Ninja Week, Monkey boy reviewed an imaginary ninja/samurai hybrid... thing. Yeah, it's hard to explain. But it has a real-world inspiration.
- Monday's review was to fulfill a reader's request - a request from long ago, because the figure is still freaking hard to find. Will this be another case where DC Direct schools Mattel? Only one place to find out.
- Big day for Spider-Man fans this Saturday - have you heard about the Web Slinger Weekend?
- This week's Transformers Tuesday is a double-dip, actually managing to review five figures in one shot, if you look at it the right way. Talk about a good value for your money!
- Our final review of the week is a big pink walking pile of goo. With fishlips and bondage wear. It's also nearly impossible to find, unless you live in the future, like Monkey Boy does.
- On a related note, you can read Monkey Boy's thoughts on the future of the DCSH line right here on our blog.