The story of Gothitropolis

In today's review of the Gothitropolis Timekeepers, we mentioned how cool the logo looks:

Nice, isn't it? It looks like a combination of stained glass design and architectural blueprints, done in a gothic style. Ridiculously, "gothic" originally meant "like a barbarian," and was used pejoratively - Medieval artists considered "French work" (so-called because of its popularity there) unrefined and a debasement of everything achieved by Classical art. So to put it in modern terms, it's like the Republicans complaining that gay marriage (or healthcare or fair taxes on the rich or teaching evolution or whatever other socially beneficial idea it is they're currently trying to stand in the way of) is destroying America: terrified children trying desperately to hold back the tide of history, because they've spent so much time cementing their power in the old styles and change would make them irrelevant.

It was Raphael who first used the term "gothic," in a 1518 letter to the Pope, saying that the pointed arches popular in the style were reminiscent of primitive huts Germanic forest dwellers formed by bending trees together - a claim which wasn't really true, but would be used again centuries later in a positive way during the Romantic movement.

July 2011 update: Scarabus has finally shipped, and the back of the packaging includes a bit of backstory about the world he inhabits:

Excerpt from the book of Atellus Chapter 13:

Vampires, zombies and werewolves do not exist - at least not in the ways that we have been told. There are indeed very dark things that lurk in the shadows, though, just out of our line of sight.

After a bold entrance into our world in ancient days, Scarabus and his kind have quietly lived in the dark corners of our world for ages. It is only now in the year 2332 that Scarabus has lead [sic] his people into the open to build a great city that can harness his blasphemous power. Many are dedicated to hunting and eradicating Scarabus, but only the Daemothyr family and the Order of Lunogoth possess the true tools to stop him.

If he is not stopped soon we must all fear what will happen. If his evil plan comes to fruition we must all pray that he brings life to his abysmal city - his Gothitropolis!

So Gothitropolis doesn't actually exist yet - and there are people trying to make sure it never does. How interesting! We look forward to learning the rest of the story as more Gothitropolis toys are released.

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6 Responses to The story of Gothitropolis

  1. Cm says:

    Just found the site. You had me interested until your little BS political rant. Stick to toys.

    • yo go re says:

      Hahah ha yeah no. I personally ridicule bad toys, bad tv, bad movies, bad comics, why on Earth would I stop at bad ideas?

  2. William Gibson says:

    Your politics are small minded and narrow scoped. You exist to review toys for us, period. Thats what you'r paid for. Don't waist our time with your petty politics

    • My Common Sense is Tingling says:

      Wow, it must really suck to know you're on the losing side of history, huh?

    • monkey boy says:

      i know it's pedantic to point out, but when you're obviously trying to sound all smart and big-wordy, maybe don't use the spelling of "waste" that refers to a person's mid-section.

    • yo go re says:

      No, like I told the last Gump who had a problem with me pointing out that stupid ideas are stupid, we exist to deliver OPINIONS to you: we just so happen to LIKE delivering opinions about toys. We praise what's good, whether it's nicely designed articulation or basic human values.

      And if you think you're paying for this, your "please don't make fun of my head-up-the-ass set of values" check is late...

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