MotU Spikor addendum

As mentioned in today's Spikor review, here's the original design of the character:

Roger Sweet ''Spike'' design

(from the The Power and the Honor Foundation Catalog)

And as a fun bonus, here's an alternate take by Chris J. Edwards:

Spikor by Chris J. Edwards

Deep within the tunnels and chambers of Snake Mountain, past the hum of Tri-Klops' machinery, beyond the roars and shrieks of Beast Man's bestiary, one can hear a terrifying concerto of pain and anguish deep within Skeletor's dungeons. Its conductor: the sadistic torturer Spikor! Snake Mountain's head interrogator has never met a prisoner he couldn't break. He believes to give pain one must know pain, hence his true visage and torso are permanently sealed in a spiked-filled modification of his favorite torture device - the Iron Maiden! Though rarely seen in battle, Spikor can certainly hold his own, thanks to his armor, mace, retractable trident weapon, and his own mad lust to hear the screams of others!

Do you think that's a better bio than the one we got?

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2 Responses to MotU Spikor addendum

  1. That first design makes him seem like a guy wearing a costume. I prefer the ones where he's a humanoid sea urchin.

  2. Scott says:

    Both drawings are nice though I'm a bit tired of that hunched over look in that second image. Still not as bad as 200X Beast Man though.
    The Revelation Spikor figure looks decent. Kind of weird that he's got his figure before some of the characters who were actually in Part 1 whereas he simply appeared as a magic disguise (though the awesome trailer for Part 2 shows what is likely him in person).

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