Flippin' Through Previews - March '07

It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover.

Dark Horse has a listing on page 49 for their Hellboy Animated Kate Corrigan Mini-bust. Kate is the most overlooked member of the team, so it's nice that she's finally getting some love.

On page 124, you'll find the Superman vs Doomsday Collector Set, which features the previously released DCD figures with the Death of Superman trade paperback. Though there are better figures available, this is still a better buy than page 125's crummy Superman vs Doomsday animated figures. At least they're in 4" scale.

Page 127 shows off Batman & Son Series 1. The Joker looks nice enough, but the rest just fails to capture the imagination. Hey, just like Grant Morrison's run on the book!

Have you missed out on the big popular characters from Alex Ross' newest toy line? Then get the Justice box set on page 129.

World of Warcraft! Everybody loves it! DC is selling its toys on on page 130 and 131!

Seriously, Afro Samurai needed toys already? If you absolutely must have a Samuel L. Jackson-voiced cartoon character, you can find them on pages 132 and 133.

Finally, the most overlooked branch of the US military - the Coast Guard - gets some love from McFarlane's Military Series 5. You can find these guys on pages 166 and 167.

Can you believe they're up to MLB Series 18 already? That number seems high. Unless page 170 is lying to us.

The figure we told you about first is listed on page 189 - DST's Zombie Spider-Man.

There are a ton of Spider-Man Minimates on page 193: two series of movie two-packs, and a five-piece box set. If you want Hydro-Man, the box is the only place to get him.

Anime fans might like the Bleach two-pack on page 431.

Further down the same page, Futurama Series 1 is listed. Fry is old, but Zoidberg is new, and they both come with a piece of the series BAF, the Robot Devil. BUY!

There are some new Pokemon toys listed on page 433, but they STILL haven't made either of the two characters yo really wants. Pity him and his cartoon nerdery.

Mezco throws another stange product into the market on page 434: Underdog. Speed of lightning, roar of thunder, all that. Weird.

Superhero Squad Fantastic Four is available on page 436, finally revealing the long-promised Sue Storm figure.

Holy crap, there's an AC/DC two-pack? Shouldn't this be bigger news? As in "ever mentioned before now?"

Grr! Still on page 436, SOTA has finally solicited their Darkstalkers figures. Why "grr?" Because it's Dimitri and Lord Raptor, leaving us still Felicia-less. How about John Talbain? Or the mummy thing?

NECA's two God of War figures are on page 438, along with a new Iron Maiden: Phantom of the Opera figure and 12"ers of Lara Croft and Leonidas.

There are new Buffy figures on page 442: a Previews-exclusive Kendra and this series actual offerings, Kennedy and Willow. You remember Kennedy? Yeah, no one else does either. The figure's crappy likeness doesn't help.

NECA continues on page 444, with the new Cult Classics Hannibal Lecter and Harry Potter figures - the latter available in both 7" and 3½" versions.

On page 446, you can pick up Pee-Wee's Playhouse figures if you have brain damage or something. Brain damage picked up in a boxing ring, like the figures in Rocky Series 5. How can Jakks solicit 5 when they couldn't even get series 3 into the States?

Does anyone like those 8" Mego-style dolls? DST seems to think so, if their Star Trek Kirk & Klingon set on page 446 is any indication.

Now that Art Asylum is making 2" Star Trek Minimates (page 448), it shouldn't be long before they reuse Spock's hair piece to make Namor.

The new Star Wars Galactic Heroes on page 450 have a lot of nice offerings. Leia in her bounty hunter disguise, a crimson guard... woo!

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