It's time once again to thumb through the toy section of this month's Previews, and see what goodies we can uncover. Scheduled to start shipping in June.
Page 125 has Masters of the Universe issue 14.
Page 134 has an Ame-Comi Girls tpb.
DC Direct figures of Supergirl, Batgirl, Nightwing and Red Robin can be found on page 151.
Two series of Scribblenauts Unmasked blind boxed figures are shown on page 154.
And there's an Arkham City four-pack on 155 (all re-releases).
Page 156 brings us the Batman: L'il Gotham series, featuring superdeformed Batman, Robin, Joker and Harley.
IDW's My Little Pony comics are on page 169. Transformers are pages 176-178. And GI Joe is pages 178/9.
Walking Dead toys are listed on page 243.
There's a parody comic from Antarctic Press called GI Jane on page 258.
Page 399 has the Beast Wars Unofficial Guide, as well as the Transformers Collectibles Unofficial Guide.
There are lots of Transformers hats on page 438!
Jay and Silent Bob from Diamond Select? See them on page 443.
It's time for the next series of Universal Select figures! Page 444 has Dr. Van Helsing, Son of Frankenstein, and a new Creature From the Black Lagoon.
Minimates on page 446! Kill Bill and Guardians of the Galaxy!
DST goes back to the Marvel Zombies well with a Zombie Magneto figure on page 447.
Mattel's Sigma 6-style DC Total Heroes are on page 452 - Batman, Bizarro, and Mr. Freeze.
And the first series of Game of Thrones toys is on page 453 - Jon Snow, White Walker, Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, The Hound, and Ned Stark.
NECA's Godzilla toys are on page 454.
Right next to those you'll find Minecraft.
Page 455 has those crummy-looking ReAction figures: Firefly, Escape from NY, Terminator, and Rocketeer.
There's more NECA on page 456: NES Predator, and two Planet of the Apes.
And the next Team Fortress 2 toys are on page 459.
For maximum craziness, turn to page 491 and look at the Chogokin Hello Kitty.
Transformers Energon gets a complete series dvd release on page 521.