Skeleton Warriors Grimskull Kickstarter

Remember the first Skeleton Warriors Kickstarter? It's time for round 2!

This time we're getting Grimskull, the half-possessed prince who was helping the bad guys, then changed his mind and fought for the side of good. There are still skeleton army-builders you can buy, and stretch goals in the form of Grimskull's pet wolf, Stalker, and even the Lightstar Crystal. The first Kickstarter went off without a hitch, so this one seems like a safe bet, as well.

Head over to the Kickstarter page and start throwing your money at the screen.

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One Response to Skeleton Warriors Grimskull Kickstarter

  1. Soundwinder says:

    No really interested in this, but it did lead me to the GITD Titan Skeleton for only $10 which is an instant buy for me.

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