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Monthly Archives: November 2021
MotU Spikor addendum
As mentioned in today's Spikor review, here's the original design of the character: (from the The Power and the Honor Foundation Catalog) And now, some more OAFEry:MotU Queen Marlena/Captain Glenn addendum Flippin' through Previews - September '14 Hot Wheels Character … Continue reading
The story of Cosmic Legions
The Four Horsemen's Mythic Legions spinoff, Cosmic Legions, is ramping up, so here's the story of the world these characters inhabit: Cosmerrium - The birthplace of planets, stars, and even life itself. Created by cosmic gods of old, the Aurrian … Continue reading
Fortnite: Lynx addendum
Since still photos wouldn't do her justice, here's a video of all Lynx's styles: What would have been your first choice for a toy? And now, some more OAFEry:Legend of Vox Machina: completing the team These boxes totally look like … Continue reading
OAFEnet Email Update for Thursday, November 11
Today is an important day, so as a one-time special offer for Singles' Day, the OAFEnet Email Update is free!
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"They Live" addendum
Today's review said that John Carpenter's They Live was based on the 1963 short story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning," which you can read here or have read to you as an audiobook here. But that isn't the only inspiration. … Continue reading
Transformers BotBots Cocoa Crazy and Cavi T. reviews
The central area of the Transformers BotBots mall has two spots for the Sugar Shocks to hang out: one on the ground floor, one on the third floor. Cocoa Crazy and three of his friends are partying upstairs - but … Continue reading
Eternia Minis: Mercenary Teela review
And now, some more OAFEry:Eternia Minis: Buzz-Off exclusive review Masters of the Galaxy Far Far Away Mattel REALLY comes through MotU Minis: Zodac & Beast Man reviews You don't know the power of the Grayskull
Avatar: the Last Airbender Appa addendum
Today's review of McFarlane Toys' Appa figure discussed the intended size of a sky bison. Here's a shot of Appa and Aang, showing how big they should each be: And now, some more OAFEry:Hot Wheels Character Cars Aang and Appa … Continue reading
Forget Red Skull, here comes Karen
Predicting the enemy Sam Wilson is most likely to get trouble from: And now, some more OAFEry:"What If...?" Captain Carter (Stealth Suit) exclusive review Marvel Legends addendum: dat (big) body! Flippin' through Previews - October '13 Rustin's Spoils of the … Continue reading →