Godzilla Mystery Minis - Mothra review

Suri says: This might be the greatest sentence I've ever seen in a film. *screenshot of a very serious-looking man in a dull suit saying "It may sound primitive and unscientific, but through the fairies, we could ask Mothra to help."*

Funko Friday

Amazing fact I did not know until writing this (at least, I find it amazing; you may be utterly indifferent to it): Mothra, the second-most-famous kaiju in the world, is not an original Toho creation, but is instead based on a book! The Luminous Fairies and Mothra was a serialized novel released in 1961, and adapted to film the same year. That puts this figure in rare company! Also, since she debuted in her own movie, Mothra vs. Godzilla was the first kaiju crossover film.

Like the GI Joe Combat Heroes Para-Viper, the Mothra Mystery Mini depicts "flight" by balancing her on a cloud. It was a clever solution then, and it's a clever solution now. Her front and back legs have three digits apiece (ie, two fingers and a thumb), while the middle legs only have two. They did a very nice job painting the pattern on her wings, both front and back. The white parts of the body look "furrier" than the orange, and they did their best to make the antennae look appropriately feathery.

If you want Mothra, she'll be easy to find: not only is the figure packed 1:6 (two in every case), her wings are so wide they pretty much fill the little box from corner to corner, meaning she's the only figure that won't really rattle when you shake the box.

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