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Tag Archives: Overwatch
Legend of Vox Machina: completing the team
Today's review of Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III brings to an end McFarlane Toys' Legend of Vox Machina line, in a sadly incomplete manner. We've got Percy, we've got Vax and Vex, we've got Kiki... but then … Continue reading
Posted in addendums, lists
Tagged D&D, Fortnite, Overwatch, Player Select, Starscream, Thor, Transformers
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The Watch is Over
Bad news, Overwatch fans! According to Entertainment Earth, the third series of Hasbro's action figures has been cancelled: The assortment would have included refreshes of Tracer and McCree, normal versions of D.Va and Reaper, and a repainted Mercy. No pictures … Continue reading
Hasbro announces SDCC exclusive online sale details
The various Comic-Con exclusives will be released in waves, rather than all at once. Dates are subject to change, of course, but here's the current plan: Friday, August 16: My Little Pony, Disney Princess, Trolls, UglyDoll Wednesday, August 21: Overwatch … Continue reading
Posted in Hasbro, lists, news, SDCC
Tagged Guardians of the Galaxy, Hulk, Marvel Legends, MLP, Overwatch, Power Rangers, SDCC 2019, Star Wars, Transformers
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An Overwatch by any other name
So the second series of Hasbro's Overwatch Ultimates is up for preorder on Amazon, and... the characters appear to be going undercover? Who can forget everyone's favorite cowboy, Chili, and his famous catchphrase, "it's 11:59 and 59 seconds!"
Jimmy's Toy Time
Young Jimmy's done another great Lego review we think you'll all enjoy! And now, some more OAFEry:Whip It Out And Measure It Marvel's forgotten mutants It's one of those new electric cars Flippin' through Previews - October '11 Poe - … Continue reading