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Tag Archives: SDCC 2013
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #114
Welcome.... TO SELECTASTROPHE I!!! I figured I've done one, two, three Legomageddons so it's time to branch out to other disasterous high volume collections. In our inaugural edition for all things from DST's "Select" brand we'll look at the eight … Continue reading
Posted in Rustin's Spoils of the Week
Tagged Marvel Select, SDCC 2013, Spider-Man, Star Trek, Universal Monsters
GI Joe and the Transformers #7
In today's review of the Jetfire Skystriker set, we said that the packaging was styled like a comicbook, pretending that the GI Joe and the Transformers comic ran for more than four issues. And just like last year, we wanted … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #106
So we've spent a couple weeks looking at my haul from San Diego Comic Con 2013, now it's time to get to the GOOD STUFF - the exclusives! These are pretty much 80% of why I keep going and subjecting … Continue reading
Posted in Art Asylum, Bif Bang Pow, Bridge Direct, DC Direct, DST, Marvel, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC
Tagged Deadpool, Fantastic Four, Green Lantern, LotR, MotU, SDCC 2013, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Venture Brothers, Wolverine, zombies
Movie Masters Superman vs. Zod addendum
In today's Superman vs. Zod review, I said that there was no way millions of people died in Man of Steel. Go-go-gadget math skills! And now, some more OAFEry:Cracked.com talks toys Two sides of Batman v. Superman Rustin's Spoils of … Continue reading
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #105
I am in a constant battle to save money, and while I probably spent less on non-exclusives this year than in the past five, I still couldn't help but buy many a toy. Part of the fun of conventions, like … Continue reading
Posted in DC, Lego, Marvel, Mattel, NECA, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC, ToyBiz
Tagged Back to the Future, DCUC, Futurama, GitD, Green Arrow, Iron Man, LotR, Pirates, SDCC 2013, Star Wars, Universal Monsters
Rustin's Spoils of the Week #104
Comic Con 2013 - a more wretched hive of toys and collectibles you'd be hard pressed to find. I did my best to "spend wisely" as money is an ever-decreasing excess of mine, but despite that intent I still loaded … Continue reading
Posted in Bif Bang Pow, DST, Rustin's Spoils of the Week, SDCC, Shocker
Tagged Indie Spotlight, SDCC 2013, Star Trek, Universal Monsters, Venture Brothers
Hasbro being sued over SDCC exclusives
No, not because the massive fustercluck that was their distribution this year; something much stupider. And now, some more OAFEry:Geek Speak: Transformer Size Classes A Real American Hero Transformers BotBots Snuggle Puggle review All the Presidents' Men Toy Soldiers: final … Continue reading
SDCC 2013 - Day 5: Sunday 7/21
After little more than four hours of sleep it was time to finish packing up the multitude of purchases, load up the old Rustin-mobile and get down to the Convention Center before parking disappeared. Turns out I didn't need to … Continue reading
SDCC 2013 - Day 4: Saturday 7/20
What a morning - I walked in to see nothing but an "End of Line" sign at the Hasbro ticket distribution table. I was able to walk right up and get a ticket with absolutely zero wait! Before I left … Continue reading
Albino Predator addendum
I recently had the good fortune to meet up real-life-style with a fellow OAFE, who was in town for business. Rustin Parr and I met up at a local comicshop to talk toys and whatnot, and fun times were had … Continue reading →